How to Make Your Birthday Stand Out from the Holiday Season

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Is your birthday in November, December, or January? If you answered yes, you’ve probably experienced the frustrations of a birthday that falls close to the holiday season.

Chances are also good that you struggled to have a great party. Friends were out of town, no one could figure out what to get you for two celebrations back-to-back, and everyone always seemed more excited about the holidays than your birthday. 

Let’s not forget that with all of the seasonal treats, your birthday cake probably didn’t stand out much, either.

As we start to approach the holiday season again, here are some ideas for how to make your birthday stand out. After all, everyone deserves to have a truly special day once a year.

Choose a fun, non-holiday theme

If you want your party to stand out from the holidays, invite them to more than just a birthday party. Invite them to the event of the year. Choose an amazing theme and some matching elements your guests can enjoy. 

For example, at a Barbie-themed birthday party, you might serve a pink cocktail and ask your guests to dress up for a “fashion show.” 

Do you plan to host the party at your house? Take down any holiday decorations or knick-knacks you have around your home so guests will focus on the occasion of your birthday instead.

Turn the party into an outing

Kids have birthdays at fun places all the time. Why can’t you? At a time of year when everyone is already gathered in their homes with friends and family, make your birthday stand out by hosting it at a fun location.

Steer clear of cookie decorating classes or a trip to the Nutcracker ballet. Instead, find venues that are holiday-free. You might even be the hit of the season if your party lets your guests burn off some of their holiday stress at a fun event like axe-throwing or indoor go-karting.

Ask for experiences instead of things

During the holiday season especially, people are in the gift-giving spirit. But this often results in an abundance (if not overabundance) of new items around the home. If your birthday is during the holiday season, your gifts might feel more of the same.

To make your birthday stand out, ask for something a little different. Experience gifts can include any of your favorite hobbies or interests.

Here are some ideas:

Tickets to a sporting event, concert, or theatrical experience

A class or “how to,” like cooking, pottery, glass-blowing, writing, or a sporting technique

A night away in a hotel at a destination you’ve always wanted to visit (even if it’s just a nearby lake where you can go fishing)

Self-care like a yoga class, massage, float spa, or manicure

Babysitting so you can go out and enjoy any one of these activities

Housecleaning, lawn care, or other home services to free up your spare time for other things

Looking to feel at ease about birthday gifts every year? Create a group on Giftster and you and your loved ones can create and share wish lists year-round.

Happy Gifting!

The post How to Make Your Birthday Stand Out from the Holiday Season appeared first on Giftster and was written by Giftster.

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